Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

A special Easter song for all of you compliments of Ricky, Jordana nad the St. Mark's Sunday School kids.

Posted by Jena

Friday, April 10, 2009

I want this game, for easter!!!!!!

if anybody that is with the baker family can get me this. i will really be glad!!!!!!!!!!!! any way, ricky out.

Daisy Sister Dance

On January 31st Jordana's Daisy Girl Scout Troop participated in the "Meet your Brownie Sister" lunch followed by a dance. The girls kicked off the lunch activities by joining the Brownie troop for a quick meeting and some songs. Each troop prepared a special song and poem about friendship which they performed for the other troop.

Jordana's "Brownie Sister" is Kiara. The girls met by exchanging cards they had made which told the other about their likes and dislikes. Kiara is a 2nd grader at Yulupa.

The Daisy and Brownie troops made special puzzle posters about sisterhood. Jordana worked with her Brownie sister on their puzzle pieces. It was a good way for the girls to get to know each other better.

Then it was off to the dance. During the dance, each group of girls got a rest period for arts and crafts. Since the event was held close the Valentines Day the girls all made special envelopes to hold their valentines in. Jordana loved this part as she enjoys her art projects so much

The girls spend the majority of the afternoon participating in various different dances led by the Cadette troop who put together the dance. One of the high points was when they got to do a dance with balloons.

At the end of the Dance all of the "sisters" huddled in the circle for a few songs and the Girl Scout circle squeeze. The girls all agreed that it was a very fun afternoon.

Posted by Jena

Thursday, April 9, 2009

LEGO Star-E-Wars, episode 1

hi, i am ricky baker. This is one of the million movies I have made, I hope you enjoy the movie!!!!!!!!!!! ricky out.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Blue and Gold Dinner

Every year Cub Scout Pack 55 of Bennett Valley participates in the annual Blue and Gold dinner to celebrate another year of Boy Scouting. This is a national event for the Boy Scouts and the dinner was held on January 30th. The theme this year was the United States of America. Each Den had to pick a state that they would represent. The boys had to make table decorations and a cake which represented their state of choice. Ricky's den, Den 6 picked Washington DC (yes, we know this is NOT a state) and did a great job on the cake and decorations. So did the other 11 Dens. We had a good time admiring everyone's handy work. Then the entire Pack enjoyed a catered "American" meal of hotdogs, cole slaw, baked beans and nachos.

Den 6 led the opening of the dinner festivities by leading the color guard and the pledge of allegience. Ricky carried the US flag.

Each Den had to put on a skit which had to do with the state the chose to represent at the dinner. So the boys of Den 6 lead the Pack in signing "This Land is Your Land". Ricky got the mic for quite a bit of the song and did a really great job in leading the song. It left Rick and Jena wondering where Ricky had learned how to carry a tune.

After many other fun games and skits by the boys, the dinner ended with the Fathers of Den 6 (Ricky's Den) launching candy into the crowd using the catapults made by the boys at a Den meeting previously held at our house. The kids thought this was great!

Posted by Jena

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Jordana's 6th Birthday

Jordana celebrated her 6th birthday on January 16th. Since it was a Friday she got awarded a birthday crown at school and was VIP for the day. She also wanted the Kit Kitteredge American Girl Doll for her birthday. So she was excited when she got to open her presents and found the doll was among them.

Grandma Lois made Jordana and kit two pairs of matching pajamas. Here they both are wearing the “Kirsten” inspired set from the 1880’s. However Jordana was disappointed that she did not get a hat too so Grandma Lois had to send that along later.

We held Jordana’s American Girl themed birthday party a day later. Jordana and friends (Katerine, Ruby, Samantha, Caitlyn and Cora) made flower recipe holders.

They played many games which were selected from different American Girl’s era. So they got a taste of what it would have been like to attend a birthday or other party in the Girl’s time. The favorite of all the games was “Froggie in the Middle”.

Then everyone enjoyed some ice cream birthday cake from ColdStone..MMmmmm.

It was time for presents.

After the presents the girls got to watch the Kit Kitteredge movie until it was time to go home. However, Jordana’s friend Ruby stayed behind for an overnight. It would have been the first overnight for both girls, but Ruby decided that she would like to go home around 9pm. Maybe next time?

Posted by Jena

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


For the past several years, Jena has been sending out updates along with pictures to various family and friends regarding the "doings" of Ricky and Jordana. However, this has become too challenging to keep up. So she has decided to move into the 21st Century and begin a family blog.

This blog will record the adventures of Ricky and Jordana in addition to various other Baker activities. Jena may not be the only one posting as both Ricky and Jordana now have their very own digital cameras and they will be taught how to post as well. Enjoy!